Sweat lodge
The Sweat Lodge is a purification ceremony routed in many cultures. In our ceremonies we mix the tradition of the Indian American tribe, Lakota with the shamanic Icaro healing form the rainforest in Peru.
Preparations for the Sweat Lodge are conducted in a "sacred manner", everyone is involved in building it, from cleaning and caring for the grounds, to building and tending the fire to heat the stones, to covering or dressing, the Lodge. Together, we build the sweat lodge and we create a big fire. We build our sacred space!
During the ceremony, heated stones are placed in the centre of the Lodge, while Francoise and Philip guide the people in prayer, song and personal expressions. They will practice rituals with sacred herbs and water. The Sweat Lodge, representing the womb of Mother Earth, is a sacred space to go deeper in our body and heart, to let go, to feel peace and calm, to say goodbye to to our fears, expectations and deception, think about mother Earth.
We will according to the Lakota tribe using the four doors, each door representing the four natural element, water, earth, air and fire and their meaning.
The first door represents our physical aspect, ourselves. It is linked to to the structure of the sweat lodge, the inferior circle. This door is the consciousness of our body, and all our physical sensations.
The second door represents our mental, our intellectual. It is linked to the second circle of the sweat lodge - also representing the intellectual world. This step allow us to understand and accept what we are currently doing in our life.
The third door represents our emotions. through that door, we realise the sense of prayers and its importance to reborn together. It is then getting hotter and hotter in the sweat lodge and we feel the effect in our physical and mental body. the body purifies itself by eliminating the toxins. It is our duty to transform this energy in our spirit so the body accept the heat and we can stop thinking about it. This door is the hardest one to pass through. Our body breathe better, get rid of the unwanted, re-emerge. Mentally, we are living through a new birth from the womb of Mother Earth. This re-birth creates waves of emotions, that Francoise and Philip will help us overcome.
The fourth and last door represents Spirituality. We then pray using the four component of our own individuality, physical, mental, emotional and spiritual, as a whole being. This door is the door of the comprehension and of the recognition of Life's mystery
On the Sunday morning, we will gather again for breakfast and close the ceremony by creating a mandala.
A mandala, in many spiritual practices, represents the entire Universe. It stands for an effort to reunify the self.
A mandala is a spiritual and ritual symbol used in Asian cultures. It can be understood in two different ways:
externally as a visual representation of the universe,
Internally as a guide for several practices, including meditation.
In their most basic form, mandalas are circles contained within a square and arranged into sections that are all organised around a single, central point. While extraordinary as a standalone work of art, mandalas hold symbolic and meditative meaning beyond their vibrant appearance.
We finish the weekend by offering Mother Earth all the beauty that we have within. We thank her for taking all our pain and suffering. We work together to create a meaningful mandala, using all the element around us.
Bring a clear intention to the ceremony. Something of and for yourself that you would like to work on, this can but does not have to be shared with the others.
Something you would like to offer to Grand father Fire (an intention on paper, ...)
Come with an open heart and mind.
Something to go wear in the sweat lodge (towel, swimsuit/shorts, , or nothing ...)
A towel for afterwards
A bag for the things you want to leave outside the lodge, warmer clothes...
Bien etre massage, Kyhtliagh, Logie estate, Pitcaple, Aberdeen, AB51 5EE
Starting Saturday 21st of March at 11am
Finishing Sunday 22nd March around 2pm
£190, LIMITED SPACES, you can secure your space with a non refundable £90 deposit.
include all the ceremonies, rituals during Saturday afternoon/night and Sunday morning, a place to camp/sleep, a light lunch on Saturday, and a light breakfast on Sunday morning.